Monday, November 23, 2015

11 Months and Hawaii!

Whoa.  Where did the last few months go?  Summer ended and everyone seemed to remember they had a job and all of a sudden my work flow picked up and, frankly, got totally out of control!  I haven't made time for much outside of spending time with family, work (including lots of travel), exercising (occasionally), and sleep.  And let's be honest... most of my time outside of work is spent with this nugget:

I cannot believe she'll be 11 months old this week.  Apparently I am supposed to start thinking about her first birthday?  Where did the last year go?  Does anyone have any first birthday party tips?  I swore when I was pregnant that we'd always celebrate her birthday so she wouldn't resent the fact that it is sandwiched between Christmas and the New Year, but now I'm wondering what we should do.  Perhaps it is time to get on Pinterest so I can be reminded of my party planning inadequacy!

We've been doing a lot of traveling lately, both for work and pleasure.  I had work trips to Washington, D.C. and Boston and now we are in Hawaii for 2 weeks for vacation.  A break from work and "regular" life could not have come at a better time.  I haven't been checking e-mail or text messagand I feel so refreshed and refocused, which was much needed.  And I've spent a lot of time thinking about just how much we have to be thankful for this year... which is easy to do when I'm playing in the sand with the sweetest little girl.  I've been reading Better than Before (Gretchen Rubin and I seem to be on the same wave length) and trying to stick to good habits and quash bad ones, which includes blogging more frequently and running regularly (I signed up for the Austin Marathon in February so I better).  Does anyone else enjoy Gretchen's books or podcast?

So, as we kick off the holiday season later this week with Thanksgiving, I want those of you who read to know I am thankful for you and your support and your willingness to share and listen.  And if any of you have taken a red-eye with an 11-month-old baby, I'd love to hear any advice you have.  While this vacation has been absolutely amazing, I am dreading the flight home...


  1. My birthday is Dec. 30. Definitely do something for her. I know it's difficult, but it's worth it. Also, my favorite tradition was that my parents put my birthday presents under the tree too, so for five days after Christmas, I got to feel special having gifts JUST for me under the tree. (That's assuming you don't take the tree down Dec. 26.)

    1. Oh, I love that idea! We don't take the tree down right away and that will be a fun way to make it special and to keep using the tree. I'll come up with something for the actual day/night. Need to get on that now!

    2. Also, I can't seem to find your blog (if you have one). I'd love to follow you if you have one, so do let me know.

  2. Oh my word she's getting cuter and cuter!! So I did a "somewhere over the rainbow" brunch for Mary's first which I love because of all the easy rainbow things and since she's so very much your rainbow baby it's fitting (I mostly think of Finn as my rainbow baby, Mary too, but Finn mostly). ANYWAY, the other theme for a winter baby that I thought was cute was "winter ONEderland" depends on what you want to do. I like simple brunches and you could always just eat whatever and have a snowflake on a cake and blues and whites so it looks wintery.

    And good job singing up for the Austin marathon! I think I'm going to be doing one in feb as well in Florida. Haven't committed yet though

    1. Caroline, those are the best ideas. Winter ONEderland is darling and I think I'm going to use that so that it fits with the weather, etc. (since we live in Colorado). Time to brainstorm!

      You sure you don't want to do Austin? We could meet in person and run together!

  3. HAWAII!! How amazing. We were going to take our boys there for their first birthday, so Hawaii always reminds me of them. I am late to this post, but she is adorable - and I bet is even more adorable now!
