Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Infant & Pregnancy Loss Awareness Day

I remember first putting this date on my calendar back in January just after we lost L.  I knew people who had miscarriages at that time, and I hope I was sympathetic and caring, but obviously I couldn't really relate, and I'd never met anyone who shared with me that they had a stillborn child (although a few did after L).

In January, October seemed so far in the future.  But here we are.

October 15th.  I'll be 27 weeks on the 17th.  L would be about six months old.  That fact takes my breath away every time I see a baby about that age and I think about how things could be so different for us.  Brooke from By the Brooke posted this image today and it so perfectly describes how I feel about L.

Image crated by Small Bird Studio
I'm thinking of all of you who have lost a (or multiple) precious children.  I suspect we will all wonder who they would have been and will always feel their absence in our lives.  I'm going to try to think fondly of L today and how much joy she has brought to us, and how she would have brought us even more if she were still alive.