Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Too Good to be True

My HCG yesterday was 417 and my progesterone was 28.  I don't quite know how to feel about this.  Obviously, on some level, I am thrilled.  I was 2 weeks from starting IVF, a process which I have been told repeatedly is unlikely to work for me given my AMH, resting follicle count, etc.  I am 5 months post-stillbirth of my daughter.  This is what we desperately want.

But I am so scared.  I'm scared of miscarriage.  I'm scared of no heartbeat.  I'm scared of how much my spirits have lifted in the last few days and how I know what I'll feel like if something goes wrong.  I know I'll survive, but I'm terrified.

Does anyone have any tips for surviving early pregnancy after a loss?  I'm trying to keep busy, keep exercising, stay focused at work, plan weekend getaways, and to distract myself.  I'd love any tips or advice anyone has...


  1. Oh hon, I'm so with you! I'm 6 weeks, 1 day today and our first ultrasound is on Thursday and I'm terrified. The past few weeks since I first found out I was pregnant again have been long and scary, but I just keep telling myself this one could be different, and I'm all about the positive mantras right now. A fellow RPL blogger, "you just need to relax" (http://beckdogenator.wordpress.com/), posted the following mantra that I have been saying over and over again:

    “New Sperm, new egg, new pregnancy, new chance, new hope.”

    I know the doctors keep telling us our chances aren't great, but there are still some good eggs in there, and maybe, just maybe, we caught ours :) Hugs hon!

    1. I love this mantra - thank you so much for sharing. I just wrote it down and am going to put it somewhere I'll re-read it throughout the day. I'll be thinking of you on Thursday and I hope for good news for you.

  2. What worked for me was to accept that I would probably be petrified the entire time (which I was) and not to expect to feel like I did during my first pregnancy. Keeping busy helps too. Hang in there.

    1. You are right - I will be petrified the whole time. I just need to accept that and try to not let it overwhelm me. Thanks for the advice. I'm thinking a lot of easy and distracting reading is in the cards, too.

  3. Honestly, I never found anything to make myself worry less, I just found things to help me feel more sane and normal while I was a freaked out mess! Connecting with others who had been where I was really helped, because they got it. Working on crafts and reading helped distract me and keep me occupied, too. I reread the Harry Potter books twice, because it was a great distraction. Just let yourself feel nervous and scared and excited and everything else. If you try to avoid those feelings, it will make it that much harder.

    1. Thanks, Kate. I absolutely love the idea of re-reading Harry Potter - what a great way to distract myself while doing something I love. You are right about connecting with others - that is another step I haven't taken yet (except online - obviously).

  4. I wanted to say I am so sorry for your loss and congratulations on your new pg. Pregnancy after loss is not easy at all. I am almost 29w with twins and our 2 year loss date is coming up in a month. I still find myself petrified but I try my best to take it day by day and week by week - and remember each pg is different. My drs are also monitoring things closely so I try to trust that too!! Wishing you the best!!!

    1. Congratulations to use, Leslie, and thank you for your comment. You are right - each is different. I'm trying to remember that and to be as calm as possible and just to stay positive and hope this pregnancy is successful. Thanks for your comment.
