Thursday, August 7, 2014

17 Weeks

This morning I breathed a huge sigh of relief.  I had become absolutely convinced in the last week that something was wrong with this baby.  The combination of the ultrasound where she was sleeping and having trouble with the doppler (and my general anxiety and fear about this pregnancy) resulted in me just agonizing all week about her not being okay.

But then.... there she was!  Moving away and with a strong heartbeat in the 140s.

Today I feel like the luckiest person in the world.  Hello, baby!  Hello, cute feet!

The sonographer was able to basically do a full anatomy scan as well (we have the official scan with the high-risk OB next Friday) and everything looks great so far.  We could see her brain, spine, liver, etc.  It was amazing.  She also scolded me for not coming in sooner since I was feeling so anxious, gave me her cell phone number, and told me the next time I was worrying to just call and she'd squeeze me in.  I have no doubt I'll take her up on it as we creep closer to when we lost L.

I'm just feeling so thankful today.  Thankful for this baby, for my supportive husband, family and friends, and for support from readers who I haven't met, but who have shared in similar experiences and can empathize in a way that others cannot.  Thank you!

One more week down...


  1. Look at those feet! So amazing! I'm just thrilled and relieved that all is good with your girl too. And what a blessing your doctor is too! I'll be thinking about you next week and sending prayers. Hugs hon. Hang it there. We'll get through this together :)

    1. I'll be thinking of you on Monday, too, and hoping everything looks good. You are right - we'll get through this together :) And I do feel so grateful that the doctor and sonographer are being so accommodating to my anxiety! It definitely helps...

  2. What a blessing! So glad you saw your precious baby. What a relief that is. Now hopefully you can relax and enjoy your weekend.

  3. Thanks, Jessah. I just saw your gender reveal post - I love it! So happy for you.
