Monday, August 28, 2017

Groundhog Day

We've been home for a month, which is hard to believe.  We repainted the inside of the house, installed wood floors in rooms where we previously had carpet, and are only now back in our house (we had to live with my parents while the floors were being done).  Truthfully, this past month has been utterly exhausting, even though I'm thrilled with how the house looks.  B's sleeping is a total mess (more on that in a separate post) so we are all exhausted.

I have been back to acupuncture a few times and have had two sessions of Mayan abdominal massage, which also includes a regular massage, which I thoroughly enjoy.

And over the weekend, this happened:

You all know that I know better than to get excited.  I told R that I'd had a positive test and he just said, "okay."  We are both carrying on as if it didn't happen.  I had a HCG beta drawn today, as well as progesterone, so we'll see where those are tomorrow.

In any event, I feel silly even writing about this because I've had so many failed pregnancies.  I feel like a broken record or the girl who cried wolf.  But somewhere, deep down inside of me, I feel the tiniest glimmer of hope.  I don't want to let myself feel it, but I do.

So there it is. My August update.


  1. Oh phew! Fingers crossed. I'm so sorry you've had hope crushed so many times, but still hoping very hard for you!!

    1. Thanks. I've been following you closely and am reminded that things can work out. We'll see.

  2. Thinking of you guys and crossing my fingers and toes that this one sticks <3 <3

  3. Holding on to that hope with you.

    Also, yay to new floors! Hope B's sleep settles soon. xo

    1. Thanks, friend. Lots of deep breaths over here.

      OMG, the sleep. I need to post about that and get some advice. I am desperate.

  4. Ooh! Holding on to hope with you!

  5. Oh my! I can certainly understand the roller coaster emotions and not wanting to get excited and whatnot. But I am hoping alongside you and wishing for all good news soon.
